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Inside the ZHL manufacturing park

Inside the factory

ZHL offers a wide range of industrial led light fixtures and manufacturing facility lighting, including new LED lights as well as LED retrofits for existing manufacturing plant light fixtures. Our LED manufacturing plant facility lighting solutions comply with the strictest regulations, such as those from BSCI, ISO series. Choose from options such as LED flood lights, high bay lights, low bay lights, street lights, solar lights and parking lot lights, as well as LED retrofits SKDs. Our manufacturing LED light fixtures can replace metal halide or other types of high-intensity-discharge (HID) lighting, with LED retrofit kits available if you would like to use your existing manufacturing facility light fixtures.

Manufacturing plants and facilities rely on high quality light to adequately perform operations. In many cases, these industrial lights are operational on a 24/7 basis, leading to substantial energy usage. Our industrial LED light fixtures can reduce energy consumption by up to 80% compared to traditional manufacturing lighting options, while further lowering energy usage by reducing the load on air conditioning and cooling systems due to significantly lower heat generation. Additionally, maintenance costs are drastically diminished thanks to LED lifespans exceeding ten years. In addition to saving money, the reduced need for LED light maintenance can positively impact productivity, since work flows do not need to be disrupted in order to change bulbs, ballasts or fixtures. Our manufacturing facility lighting products also contain no mercury or heavy metals, unlike traditional HID, incandescent, or fluorescent bulbs, helping you comply with OSHA, USDA, FDA and other regulations.

Our LED lighting professionals offer free lighting audits of manufacturing facilities, during which we will prepare detailed cost-benefit and ROI analyses. We will also provide you with a comprehensive lighting plan designed to save you money, will assist with finding possible lighting rebates in your area and will recommend the best manufacturing facility lighting products to meet your needs.

Call us today to speak with one of our LED lighting professionals about our industrial LED light fixtures and facility LED lighting solutions or to schedule your complimentary lighting audit.